When in Rome?

Although I have always known my nationality – and more recently discovered that I am English as far back as I can trace, I have never been so fixed in the idea that England (as my home country) does things the best way.

This is despite all the usual Anglo-centric media/history programmes, nature programmes on the BBC.

So it has come as something of a shock to me that I now find myself craving those things that previously I would not have chosen, were I living “back home”.  My latest extraordinary discovery is chips.  Yes – the chips here are the fries variety – that’s fine – it’s just that for a long time I have eaten them with mayonnaise.  In England.  Now I find myself craving salt and vinegar on them, a l’Anglaise…

I find myself craving the English blends used in stock cubes – the Dutch equivalents have different tastes.  Heaven help me when we run out of my English tea bags – I *know* they cannot be purchased here.

I miss the retail culture of England – and I am by no means a person who spends hours shopping.  I mean that customer service – that esssential “customer is always right” mentality that you find on the high street (if not always with utility companies).  That never ending (unless something is wong) desire to help the customer be parted from their money, in as efficient and pleasing way for the customer, so that they will turn up a few days later and repeat the experience.


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